WDNR Lake Leader Trained 2006
9 Years of Service Award
Phone: 920-894-2573
Term expires 2027
16 Years of Service Award
Phone: 920-946-2558
Term expires 2029
WDNR Lake Leader Trained 2010
21 Years of Service Award
Phone: 262-903-9269
Term expires 2025
54 Years of Service Award
Phone: 920-894-7074
Term expires 2050
The DNR awarded the Sanitary District a Grant for the chemical treatment of Cedar Lake's Eurasian water-milfoil (EWM). The DNR will contribute $53,531 of the $97,329 project cost. The EWM is an invasive plant first observed in 2009. Hand pulling, Diver Aided Suction Harvesting, spot herbicide treatments, and mechanical harvesting have had limited success. However, the spread and resulting annual spot treatment costs have risen to over $20,000. It is anticipated that this 2025 treatment will control most of the plants for several years and provide a cost savings including a reduction in mechanical harvesting hours. A detailed description can be found on the following link;
grant application whole lake
A May Sanitary District Meeting is scheduled for May 5th, 2025. Special Meetings may be scheduled and posted on the Town website prior to the May Meeting.
The Sanitary District was successful in getting a $3,000 Grant for Clean Boats Clean Waters inspectors for 2025. Significant 2024 volunteer effort was a major factor in obtaining the grant to protect our waters.
Survey results from Sanitary District Members regarding a proposed Ordinance restricting creation of large wakes were opened at a 1/15/25 Sanitary District Meeting. This ordinance will not restrict wake boarding, water skiing, or tubing.
The results were an overwhelming 74%, in support of an ordinance.
Manitowoc County Lakes Association Meeting provided speakers on both viewpoints on the wave enhancement topic.
The August 12, 2024 Sanitary District Meeting provided an informative presentation by our aquatic consultant from Wisconsin Lakes and Ponds Resource. He discussed a Whole Lake Herbicide Treatment Grant Application, the application process, and the need for community input and support including Clean Boats Clean Waters Program.
(From May 11th Sanitary Meeting) The Sanitary District's consultant discussed the Aquatic Plant Management Plan and also presented past and current herbicide treatment of the lake's invasive plants. Options for future treatment programs were presented. The PowerPoint presentation is worth reading.
Presentation on Aquatic Plant Treatment
9/3/25 Wave Enhancement Coalition Notice
Wisconsin 2024 hearings a call for action on wake-enhanced boating (
Clean Boats Program was presented, and volunteers are needed for this important inspection program. Volunteer hours aids in getting DNR grants for our lake. Contact Mary Ann Waldbauer or Ann Leonard for details. This is a link on the program; Resources - Extension Lakes | UWSP
The January 12, 2024, Aquatic Plant Management Plan is available for viewing.
2024 Aquatic Plant Management Plan
Fishery PowerPoint Slides
A link on the full hour presentation:
Cedar Lake Fishery Improvement: We've been working with our new DNR Fisheries Manager Jason Breeggemann to improve Cedar Lake's fishery. He has been doing a wonderful job in surveying the current fish population and coming up with some regulation suggestions to improve size and quality of our fish. Scott will be coordinating the fishery improvement effort with Jason and your comments and suggestions are encouraged.
This web page is being updated by Scott Otterson. Any corrections, revisions or suggestions can be emailed to Scott. Site updated 11/19/24.
The lake level (11/19/24) is -2 inches at the outlet bottom. If the lake level reaches +6 inches the lake will be closed to fast boating by Town Ordinances 2009-2 and 2024-2 to protect piers, boats, and shoreline.
Posting of Slow No Wake requirements will be made promptly; on this site, notification on mass emails and Cedar Cabin Crew Facebook, and placement of Slow No Wake metal signs. Please fast boat safely as far from shore as possible. The outlet culverts and evaporation have provided lake level lowering daily, but showers are keeping it high.
James Scharl of Wisconsin Lake and Pond Resources presented Cedar Lake's aquatic plant management program along with the grant application process for a whole lake herbicide treatment next year. The Clean Boats Clean Lakes volunteers where important in obtaining points for a successful grant.
Cedar Lake had another Annual Boat Parade and Firework by hardworking volunteers and generous donations. The Sheboygan North High School Drumline on the double decker fun pontoon was fantastic along with the float decorations and participants.
Here is a link to the Fireworks Grand Finale. Fireworks Grand Finale 2024
Town of Schleswig Board passed the following Resolution regarding Wave Surfing Bills. The Andre Jacques Bill noted in this Resolution is supported by Wisconsin Lakes and incorporates the Wisconsin Conservation Congress recommendations. It is also supported by the Sanitary District 1 Commissioners. However, Jacques Bill covered many of the concerns not addressed in the opposing Felzkowski/Swearinger draft Bill promoted by the Wave Surfing Industry. Both Draft Bills never came to a vote during the Legislative Session so they will have to be reintroduced in 2025.
Due to considerable concerns regarding the first draft of the Felzkowski/Swearinger Watersports Bill, after significant opposition, the bill returned for revision and subsequently died at the end of the legislative session.
Wisconsin Lakes has issued two Action Alerts warning of the shortcomings of this bill supported by the wave surfing boat manufactures. The Andre Jacque daft Bill was based on Wisconsin Conservation Congress.
Several positions on wave surfing have been raised. We will try to keep you informed on items of information as they come up.
A new draft Sweringer/Felzkowsi Bill that restricts some of the Wave surfing activities has to be reintroduced as the Legeslative Session has ended in 2024. Wisconsin Lakes which is an organization of Lake Districts and statewide association of Lake Associations has put out their position that the draft Bill falls short of protecting the lakes.
WI Lakes along with the WDNR and UW Extension put on the premier Annual Lakes Convention that brings together renown speakers and nationwide environmental experts to discuss current issues and solutions. WI LAKES
NEW 6-minute video from Last Wilderness Alliance regarding two main concerns with wave enhancing equipment is worth watching.
Town of Schleswig Sanitary District #1, Cedar Lake, conducted an Informational Meeting on Sunday
June 11th, 2023 at 9 a.m. at the Town Hall located in Rockville. See Town Meetings and Agenda under Sanitary District 1 for more details.
Larry Bonde, Chair of Manitowoc County for the Wisconsin Conservation Congress, explained what the Conservation Congress is all about.
Jeff Meessmann from Presque Isle, Vilas County, presented a COMPELLING Power Point presentation he gave at the Wisconsin Lakes Convention in April titled,” The Impacts of Inadequate Wake Surfing Regulations On Our Lakes.” IT PROVIDES INFORMATION THAT WILL HELP YOU UNDERSTAND SOME OF THE CONCERNS CREATING CHALLLENGES ON LAKE RECREATION;
Wake Surfing Presentation CLICK ON
Local DNR, Recreation Warden, Marcus Medina also gave a presentation.
State Senator Andre Jacque was listening via a phone connection.
Riparian Owners Lake Survey Results are now posted on the June 15th Sanitary District 1 Meeting Minutes. Survey Responses Charts; Survey Responses Charts 6/15/2003 Many good comments were received on many lake topics. Comments; Riparian Survey Comments 6 15 2023
When the Slow No Wake is removed, high water levels still exist and many piers, docks, boat lifts and phosphorus laden shoreline soils will still be at risk. It is requested that fast boating occur safely near the center of the lake in the counter clockwise direction. Erosion of the shore washing Phosphorus into the lake along with the inability to restore the lost shoreline are key concerns. Past requests for fast boating near the center of the lake have been successful during similar lake levels.
The WDNR has prepared a response to the Natural Resources Board that discusses the WDNR's review of waves created by boats the following is a link to the response; CLICK ON NRB Report
A new boat pier has been installed, parking lot and landing paving, and lighting. New signage notifying the need to check the parking lot for open parking spots before launching was installed.
No Parking Signs have been posted on the roads near the boat landing to reduce the roadside parking hazards. Please take note and notify friends that there will be a $100 fine and towing if they are in violation.
Natural prairie plantings have been added by the County to the Parking lot drainage area.

Safe boating starts at the dock, continues out on the water, and ends if followed with happy memories.
Sanitary District 1 (Cedar Lake) received a 2016 WDNR grant for 35% of the replacement cost of our ten year old Weed Harvester, Trailer, and Conveyor. The new harvester is currently in operation on the lake.
Part of the process was to provide an update to our Aquatic Plant Management Plan. The completed plan and Updates are added as links at the Environmental Reports Section of the web page.
Weed Harvesting Requests can be accommodated by calling Mike Strebe
The 2024 Aquatic Plant Management Plan, 2023 Plant Harvesting Report, and the 2024 Mechanical Plant Harvesting Permit are posted below under the Report Section. The APM Plan has a lot of interesting information and you are encouraged to review and comments are appreciated.
Per aquatic plant harvesting permit requirements, "weed" harvesting cannot be harvested by our equipment in areas that are less than 5 feet deep so don't ask the harvester operator to cut in shallow water because he can't by state permit requirements. New harvester operators are being trained. Due to wind conditions and inexperience on the machine, they may not be able to accommodate all cutting requests. Native plants close to shore minimize the ability for Eurasian Water Milfoil to root so removal of all plants on your shore may contribute to an invasive problem.
Thank you Roger for 50 years of service and friendship to the lake community that you are so much a part of
Muskrats have caused damage to shoreland, boat wiring and seating, and even automobile wiring of vehicles parked near the lake. A muskrat trapper who has been harvesting the animals on Cedar Lake for over 30 years has retired and a replacement trapper trapped during the 2022 season. If you have any sighting of nuisance muskrats, notify Scott Otterson so that he may notify the trapper of their location.
The following link is to a chart showing some of the past trapping results. muskrat trapping records; CLICK ON muskrat trapping 2023
No 2023 herbicide treatment occurred per recommendations by the DNR and our Consultant to prevent the EWM from becoming resistant to the herbicide. It is anticipated that there will be no treatment in 2024 as recommended by our Aquatic Consultant. Herbicide treatment occurred on Friday July 9th, 2021. The treatment was only in the North Bay/Cedar Bay due to WDNR permit decision not to treat other dense areas requested to be treated.
EWM herbicide treatment in areas identified in 2021 but not allowed by the DNR were approved in the 2022 request and treated on June 27th, 2022. Both of the 2021 and 2022 treatments have been highly successful.
On May 25, 2011 a sighting of EWM prompted the Sanitary District to contact the DNR to determine the proper immediate response. The Sanitary District obtained a Permit to Apply Aquatic Herbicide and the plants were both hand pulled and treated with herbicide. All lake users should become familiar with the identification of the plant and report any sightings to the District representatives. 2012 sightings prompted the Sanitary District to contact the DNR for additional eradication efforts. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022
Unfortunately, all major motorized lakes in Manitowoc County now have EWM.
Several EWM sites were found around the lake during late summer of 2017. A request for a DNR grant to fund a removal program was made and received for a $10,000 grant where the DNR pays $7,500 and the Sanitary District pays $2,500. The Cedar Lake Improvement Association generously donated $1,000. The removal program called DASH required a suction pontoon barge and a diver to use a suction hose to suck the EWM plant and roots from the lake bottom. The divers noted several previously unknown locations of EWM and the plants were removed. Unfortunately, four large areas had well established growth and required chemical treatment.
The DASH program has been effective in early stages of EWM as seen on Cedar Lake.
EWM can reestablish itself from small pieces of the original plant. Because of this, any plants on the shore, trailer, anchor, or boat should be removed and composted or placed on shore to dry out.
The wildflowers located near the storage building bloomed and provided homes for many interesting butterflies. Nice work volunteers!

Town of Schleswig Sanitary District 1 - Cedar Lake Maintenance Bldg. Garden
Current Notes
A report of Swimmers Itch has been received in the past on this and other lakes. It is parasite that develops in snails or waterfowl but dies when it penetrates human skin. It is most commonly found nearshore, in shallow water, and in stagnant water. It's best to swim in deeper waters, rinse and dry after swimming and use antibacterial soap.
A good website with information on Swimmers Itch is CLICK ON

Eastern Milk Snake in Scott's backyard June 15, 2010 Non Poisonous, found around stone foundations, eats insects, slugs, small rodents, frogs, small snakes. Good for your garden so let them go or call Scott to remove it to a better location. (Legend has it that these snakes often found around barns drank the milk from the cows....sorry only a legend)
PS There are no poisonous snakes in this area of Wisconsin but any snake can bite so don't get over excited about a snake or snake bite around here. Send Scott any interesting nature photos.
Lake Watch - Police Reports and Concerned Property Owners Comments
Kiel and surrounding communities have noted break-ins to unlocked garages and cars. None reported on the lake yet.
Contact Ken Schuler Constable at 920-629-6500 for information on suspicious activity or lake activity violations or dial 911 for emergency assistance.
Nature Watch - Send Scott any interesting nature sightings, photos for posting
On 5/26/22, a Secchi disk reading was 14.8 ft. We had a good water quality year last year so hopefully we'll have another. Early November Secchi disk readings before ice forming were at 21 feet. An early May reading was still 21.1 feet.
Under ideal conditions on April 4, 2021 a new record water clarity reading of 26.0 feet of depth using the Secchi disc method occurred. It is anticipated that the clarity will decrease naturally during the summer as the sun promotes the plant and algae growth. These readings have been recorded over several years and can be found on the below mentioned Cedar Lake Monitoring Data Link.
The increased boating/wave action adds to the sediment suspension and erosion so please fast boat as far away from the shores as safe and practical. (The smaller the waves at the shoreline, the more likely your neighbors will support fast boating)
Fishermen and Fisherwomen
During 2022 the WDNR set nets and performed a lake survey. Results will be added to this site as soon as they are received.
The DNR stocked 4,713 walleyes in June. The 2.5 inch walleyes are part of an effort to improve the fishery.
DNR requires a wearable life preserver on kayaks, paddle boards, and paddle boats (a throwable is not good enough). A $200 ticket issued by the County Deputy on 4th of July 2011 weekend drove the point home to 3 paddleboaters.

Two thousand 6-inch perch were stocked in March 2013 and two thousand 6-in walleyes in December 2014. Hopefully they will contribute to an improved fishery. As always, catch and release is recommended for the walleye as they are an endangered resource on Cedar Lake and it is better to return a surviving walleye and catch many more of its offspring.
We have a new WDNR Fishery Manager! We are working together with the Manager on reviewing recent Fish Reports and drafting suggestions on improving the current fishery. He has some great suggestions and we will publish them for everyone's review and comment. Scott Otterson will be the primary contact during the development.
See the informational links at the end of this web page for more DNR fish Survey information.
Any photos of catch and released fish or measurements will be posted. Contact Scott.
A Second High Water Control 18-inch Culvert Installation across Woodside Lane July 2009.
It was placed at same Ordinary High Water Mark elevation as the older existing culvert per WDNR requirements.

- Understanding Lake Data (Guide to the technical terms and their use)
(DNR Cedar Lake Monitoring Data; data provided to the DNR by the Sanitary District) - Cedar Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan 2017
- Current Weather
- 2023 Sanitary District Budget
- Sanitary District 1 Meeting Minutes can be found under the Home Page, Government tab, Minutes & Agendas; Scroll Down to Sanitary District 1 Meetings Section.
Lake Levels and Slow No Wake MAPS AND REPORTS
- Cedar Lake 1965 DNR Depth Contour Map (2.5 ft lower than 2024 lake levels)
- Wisconsin Territory Survey 1834
- Lake Level Graph
- Lake Levels 1939-2021
- Lake Levels and Slow No Wake
- Eurasian Water Milfoil locations 2017-2021
- 2024 Mechanical Plant Harvesting Permit
- 2013 to 2017 Harvesting Permit
- 2023 Weed Harvesting Report
- 2005 Aquatic Plant Management Plan
- 2017 Aquatic Plant Management Plan
- 2024 Aquatic Plant Management Plan
- 2007 Littoral Survey
- 2007 Littoral Survey Data
- Resources - Extension Lakes | UWSP
- 2016 Cedar Lake Fish Survey Report
- 2010 Cedar Lake Fish Survey Report
- 2006 Cedar Lake Fish Survey Report
- 1997 Cedar Lake Fish Survey Report (Not much has changed over 20 years) We are excited to note that the new WDNR Fishery Biologist is actively involved in preparing suggestions on improving our fishery and we hope to make draft plans available when they are completed.
- Walleye and Musky Management in Green Bay PowerPoint Presentation of DNR activities in the Bay of Green Bay
- A Guideline for Creating Boating Ordinances and Placing Waterway Markers in Wisconsin Waters
- Cedar Lake Boating Ordinance
- Ordinance 2009-01 Slow No Wake Operation of Watercraft to Control Weed Distribution.pdf
- Lake Level Guidelines and Slow No Wake Discussion
- Ordinance 2009-02 Slow No Wake During High Water Period.pdf
- Slow-No-Wake Ordinance Cedar Lake 2024-02
- Cedar Lake Management Plan August 2002
- Aquatic Plant Management Plan (APMP)_2005
- Littoral survey 2007
- APMP Update 2017
- APMP Update 2024