Recycling Center

Click here for information on burning garbage
Burning Garbage: A Problem for Our Communities

Schleswig Recycling Center

16236 Little Elkhart Lake Road
Entrance Just South of Hwy 57

Hours: Saturdays, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Supplemental Summer Hours: Wednesdays, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm beginning the first Wednesday in June through the last Wednesday in AUGUST.

Holidays may cause a change of date.  Please check our website under News and Notices for any change of schedule.


Residents will purchase from the town at the recycling center 30-gallon size plastic bags, 5 to a pack @ $1.00 each for a total of $5 per pack. Bags are yellow plastic with the town’s name imprinted. All non-recyclables must be put into these bags and the bags deposited into the compactor at the center; these materials will be landfilled. No other bags will be accepted.

Larger items (e.g. furniture) will be accepted into the compactor at the discretion of recycling center personnel for an additional fee. NO large amounts of demolition rubble (wood, asphalt shingles, boards, etc.) will be accepted; residents must contract with a hauler to rent a dumpster for these.

Recycling Guidelines:

The following items will be accepted at the center for recycling or composting.

  • Tin/steel/aluminum cans
  • Glass bottles, jugs, jars – all colors, rinsed, lids removed. NO light bulbs, window glass, drinking glasses, etc.
  • Plastic containers #1 and #2, generally containers having an opening smaller than the base. Rinsed, lids removed.

Note: the above three types of items (cans, glass, plastic) can be commingled for recycling, i.e., do not need to be sorted.

  • Newspapers, magazines, office paper – bundled and tied.
  • Corrugated cardboard and other container board – clean and dry, flattened and bundled not larger than 24”x24”.
  • Yard & garden waste, grass clippings.
  • Brush and tree branches. NO boards or other lumber. Please check with center personnel before unloading.
  • Large metal items. Place into the large metal dumpster. A fee will be charged.

For more information on recycling, visit