Recycling Center

Schleswig Recycling Center

16236 Little Elkhart Lake Road
Entrance Just South of Hwy 57

Hours: Saturdays, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Supplemental Summer Hours: Wednesdays, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm beginning the first Wednesday in June through the last Wednesday in AUGUST.

Holidays may cause a change of date.  Please check our website under News and Notices for any change of schedule.

Tags may be purchased by calling Rich Hoerth, Town Board Supervisor #2 at (920) 889-1074.

NEW!!!!  Recycling Guidelines:

Schleswig Town Board Approves Changes
At the November 13, 2024 town board meeting the board approved the following changes to the Recycling Center procedures. Beginning January 1, 2025 all town residents utilizing the recycling center will be charged a user fee. Town residents bringing items to the recycling center such as solid waste for the compactor, co-mingled recyclables, cardboard, paper, waste oil, metal, grass clippings, and brush will not be charged any additional fees. Yellow bags will no longer be sold.

User Fee Process
All town residents utilizing the Recycling Center will be required to purchase a yearly user fee tag. All town residents will be required to display the tag on the rearview mirror of their vehicle when entering the facility. Tags will be issued based on the resident’s fire number and cannot be shared or used by any other town resident and/or non-town resident. Additional tags and replacement tags will be sold to anyone wishing to have one for a second vehicle from the same residence or if a tag is lost.

Recycling Center Tags
The recycling center tags will be $50.00/tag and will be valid for one fiscal year. A second tag for a second vehicle at the same residence will be $40.00/tag. A lost or misplaced tag may be purchased for $25.00/tag.

Tags Information
The recycling center tags will contain the following personal information. Residents fire number, residents last name, vehicle license number, and date issued. A single tag may be moved from one vehicle to a second vehicle at the same residence if the second vehicles license number is also listed on the tag. Tags will be color coded each year so center workers can easily identify the tag based on the current year. The pre-printed tags contain the following information; Town of Schleswig Recycling Center, the current year, a tag ID number, and on the reverse side a brief statement concerning proper use of the tag by a town resident only, a tag replacement cost, a town phone number. Anyone found to have allowed their tag to be used by a non-resident of the township may lose their privilege to use the recycling center for a specified period of time.


Additional Fees
Tire collection will continue with associated fees during the month of September.

Additional Changes
Larger solid waste items not placed in the compactor will no longer be collected on a weekly basis. These items will be collected on the first Saturday of the following months: January, March, May, July, September, November. The dumpster will be available for two consecutive Saturdays or until the dumpster is full.


Recycling Guidelines:

The following items will be accepted at the center for recycling or composting.

  • Tin/steel/aluminum cans
  • Glass bottles, jugs, jars – all colors, rinsed, lids removed. NO light bulbs, window glass, drinking glasses, etc.
  • Plastic containers #1 and #2, generally containers having an opening smaller than the base. Rinsed, lids removed.

Note: the above three types of items (cans, glass, plastic) can be commingled for recycling, i.e., do not need to be sorted.

  • Newspapers, magazines, office paper – bundled and tied.
  • Corrugated cardboard and other container board – clean and dry, flattened and bundled not larger than 24”x24”.
  • Yard & garden waste, grass clippings.
  • Brush and tree branches. NO boards or other lumber. Please check with center personnel before unloading.

For more information on recycling, visit

Burning Garbage

Burning of Garbage